2012 "Your word is truth."-John 17:17

Friday, October 8, 2010

So Young and So Beautiful
Are the first thoughts that come to mind.
Strong, Independent and Wise
All these make up the woman she was
A wholesome soul and nothing but
It‘s stupid to question at this point
When? How? Why?
Why must these things continue to happen?
One random act to one random being
So much glorified attention and yet
Not a single change has been made
Breast Cancer
Many continue to suffer the pain and the loss
This horrific epidemics is at hand
We continue to say goodbye to our woman
These strong healthy women are under attack
You were truly a person to be admired
You fought for your freedom
From this stupid disease
With grace and intelligence as only you knew how
The power you possessed and your will to live
You loved every moment of life and cherish
All those around
Truly an inspiration on how we need to live our lives
With dignity and truth at the forefront
You may not have known how to deal in the beginning
But unquestionably fought a good fight for your life…..

December 17, 1966 ~ September 29, 2010

1 comment:

Mikkimu said...

It is indeed truly sad the way this epidemic is ravaging the lives of so many. My heart is comforted knowing that this will one day cease to exist and we will welcome back the ones we've lost! ♥