2012 "Your word is truth."-John 17:17

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thanks for making me a Fighter

With all that the world impounded on a little girl
So much force of impaling chaos
Too much to bare for such a fragile soul
And yet destiny chose to find us

Words cannot be enough gratitude
What must I do to prove worthy?
But live the best life possible

Thanks for making me a Fighter

When all seemed to have no escape
Even from memory
When life was becoming unendurable
And quitting was the best choice possible

You were Strength & Power in hiding
Standing Tall & Beautiful
You not only looked at me
But you saw what was inside of me
Beyond the scars and the pain

Thank you for making me a Fighter

So many things that can separate us
Money, class, age circumstance
Race, education & so on... & so on
Love is the only thing that matters

You have loved me for many years now
And yet you still say you love me
You love the child that is within me
Who for reasons of no dwelling, had a fear of living

Your heart, your generosity & your attention
Has made me the person I am today
I want life

Thank you for making me a Fighter

I no longer dwell in the thought of wishing to die
Or fear making a mistake in this life
I am strong enough to carry on
To love my children as you have
I am doing the best that I can
With you by my side cheering me on

I cannot thank you enough
For making me a Fighter
I cannot thank Jehovah God
For putting you in my path

To know that there is more to this life
To know that there is Paradise

Thank you for helping me fight for this Life!

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